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Posted By Hawthorn East Dental on 12/08/2019

Get Instant Treatment And Lasting Results From Wisdom Teeth Dentist

Get Instant Treatment And Lasting Results From Wisdom Teeth Dentist

"Wisdom tooth" is the back molar which could emerge even after the permanent teeth erupted and it could be seen at four back corners of your mouth. At the age of 17 to 25 years, Wisdom tooth could erupt.

Wisdom Teeth or the Third Molar teeth are the set of 3 molars in the human dentition. Wisdom Teeth is considered as posterior of the 3 molars. Normally, the wisdom teeth would grow during the early 20s or at late teens. Wisdom Teeth is considered as the most valuable asset in the mouth as it is completely aligned more healthily. You can get help from expert Wisdom Teeth Dentist for the best assistance.

When the Wisdom Teeth is misaligned then it needs to be removed. In your lifetime your mouth goes through different changes and one of the common is the appearance of 3rd motor at the age of 17 to 21. Normally, these wisdom teeth will grow at a mature age. When the complete wisdom teeth are misaligned then it could lead to the various problems.

Position of the Wisdom Teeth would get changed horizontally when it has been misaligned and it is important to have the right treatment. When you are suffering from wisdom teeth misalignment then it is best to choose the professional wisdom teeth dentist to resolve the issue.

Poor alignment in the wisdom teeth could damage the adjacent teeth, nerves or jawbones. When the wisdom teeth have been aligned correctly, then it is helpful to chew. When wisdom teeth appear for the first time then it would create discomfort.

Why Remove The Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom Teeth is helpful for a healthy bite but it could also lead to more problem when it has grown in the wrong position or space to grow.  When the Wisdom Teeth is impacted then it would get trapped in the gums. When the Wisdom Teeth starts to grow through the gum then it is important to monitor the teeth for any of the below signs that include

  1.  Misaligned Wisdom teeth would allow the food to get trapped leading to the growth of cavity-causing bacteria
  2.  Difficult to floss between molars and wisdom teeth
  3.  Partially grown Wisdom teeth could grow bacteria and enters into the gum with creating the place for the  infection
  4.  Leads to pain, swelling or stiffness in the jaw
  5.  When the wisdom teeth do not have room then it could damage neighboring or crowd teeth
  6.  Impacted wisdom teeth could form the cyst which could damage the root or destroys the bones that are supporting the teeth

There are many numbers of reasons why you might need to have your wisdom teeth removed. Normally, every patient is unique so Wisdom Teeth are required to remove when they found any changes in their mouth. When you have these following symptoms then it is important to remove the wisdom teeth.

  •  Infection
  •  Pain
  • Tumors
  • Damage to the neighboring teeth
  • Gum disease - periodontal disease or gingivitis
  • Tooth decay
  • Pericoronitis - Infection of the soft tissue on teeth
  • Cellulitis – Bacterial infection on cheek, throat or tongue
  • Abscess – Collection of pus on wisdom teeth resulting in bacterial infection
  • Growth of Cysts

The dentist could also recommend the removal of the wisdom teeth as the main treatment for the braces or any other dental care. Are you looking for a well-experienced wisdom teeth dentist? Here is your chance to get the finest solution for removing your wisdom teeth.

Normally, the wisdom teeth could have an impact or even fully broken through the surface of gum which could cause many numbers of dental problems. Mainly, the Food and bacteria would get trapped on the edges in wisdom teeth which would especially cause plaque.

Can Wisdom Teeth Be Impacted?

Yes, Wisdom teeth are enclosed in the soft tissues on the jawbone or it could partially break through the Gum.

Partial eruption in wisdom teeth especially allows the bacteria for entering into the tooth so that they could cause the infection. Therefore, it would result in the swelling, pain, jaw stiffness as well as other illness.

When there is a partial eruption in the teeth then it could be prone to the Tooth decay as well as other gum diseases. Awkward positioning and hard-to-reach location would make the complete brushing or even floss much more difficult.

How Wisdom Teeth Is Removed?

Removal of the Wisdom Teeth is relatively eased for the dentist or for the oral surgeon for extracting the wisdom teeth. It mainly depends on the position or stages of development. Choosing the leading wisdom teeth dentist would be the best choice for easily getting a good consultation and ideas for the pre-extraction exam.

Fully erupted wisdom tooth on the gum could be extracted similar to other teeth. Normally, the Wisdom Tooth is present underneath the gums so that they would be embedded in the jawbone and requires the incision in gums for removing the portion of bones on the tooth. Mainly, the tooth will be extracted across the small section instead of removing peace for minimizing the number of bones on the tooth.

What Happens At The Removal Of Wisdom Teeth?

Before the removal of Wisdom Teeth, complete teeth along with surrounding tissues are numbered by the local anesthetic so that similar type would be numbered before the cavity filled. Local anesthetic would numb the pain so that the dentist or even the oral surgeon could decide the sedative for controlling the anxiety. Sedating medications include

  • Nitrous oxide ("laughing gas")
  • oral sedative (for example, Valium)
  • Intravenous sedative (Injection in your veins)

When the nitrous oxide has been given then it would drive better option for easily increasing the strength of your gum. When any of the above medication is selected then it is helpful for the teeth.

What Happens When You Keep Your Wisdom Teeth?

When you do not remove the Wisdom teeth then it is required to monitor Wisdom teeth completely. The main reason is that it could lead to several developing problems in the future. When you grow old then it mainly leads to a higher risk for more health problems.

There are many numbers of problems that could lead to jaw pain when the wisdom teeth are not removed. It is most important to floss around your wisdom teeth. Visiting the dentist regularly is quite important as it helps allow the dentist to easily evaluate the wisdom teeth.

At Hawthorn East Dental, dentists are ready to give complete oral health treatments for the wisdom teeth and it could avoid any future problem. The experienced wisdom-teeth dentist is well versed in the wisdom tooth extraction and more.

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