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Posted By Outdoor Living Direct Pty Ltd on 19/08/2022 in News

Think About The Fabric In Your Children’s Clothes And Blankets

It is a fact that babies and children have more sensitive skin than adults so it is important when you are buying clothes, bedding and even blankets, that you choose something made that is not going to affect them. Even for a play blanket, or picnic blanket something from Seljak who makes recycled wool blankets is better than something made from synthetic materials. The great thing about wool is that it is also stain and odour resistant and a renewable resource. It can be hard to shop when you have such things on your mind so here are some things to avoid and things to do!


  1. Clothing and blankets that are a choking hazard. Keep things like loose buttons away from them, be careful of tassels hanging down, and try to choose open neck options when it is warm.
  2. Avoid being drawn into overspending on brands and fashions that are not practical. Babies outgrow things, some of those things are made from materials that might cause irritation and often fashionable is not comfortable for them and is hard to get them out of when they need changing.
  3. Avoid over tight elastic as that hurts them and can rub at their skin and even cause issues with circulation. Olive & The Captain type clothing is not going to cause this issue.


  1. Think about the fabric, with Seljak you get safe natural wool blankets. Natural fabrics like wool, cotton and bamboo are a lot easier on their skin. Babies get rashes very easily so anything scratchy or harsh is going to cause a reaction in a lot of them. Just keep in mind that with cotton you can expect some shrinking on the first wash by about 10%.
  2. Focus on comfort for your baby. Avoid collars, patches, and tight neck openings that are hard to pull on them. These can hurt them.
  3. Make sure you consider the weather and layer them so you can get them cooler or warmer easily by taking away or adding a layer. Buy Olive & The Captain clothing that protects them from the heat or the cold.
  4. Consider their size and buy a bit larger so that you have room for shrinkage and are ready for those growth spurts that happen more often than you might be ready for!

More tips for buying children’s clothing and blankets

  • Buy clothes that are very easy to get on them and get off them.
  • For newborns choose clothing that is milder or more naturally coloured as the dark synthetic dyes can cause adverse reactions.
  • Avoid buying in bulk all one size as you might find you have bought clothing they have not even worn yet and are now too big for.
  • Avoid buying clothes that are too tight.
  • Look at their breathing when they are wearing certain materials and make sure it does not change.
  • With their hats, socks and gloves make sure those materials are natural and extra soft.

If you have a fussy baby who is not colicky, not hungry, not sick, check that there are no issues with their clothing, something too tight, a material causing a reaction and such.

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