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Posted By Outdoor Living Direct Pty Ltd on 19/02/2022 in News

Treating Spinal Stenosis with Chiropractic Care

Spinal stenosis is a condition where the spinal canal narrows. The nerve passageways that are in the vertebrae narrow, and then cause compression, blocking nerve roots. Patients with typical spinal stenosis experience symptoms such as lower back pain, neck pain, shoulder and arm pain that are all made worse or triggered by standing for long periods or walking for any length of time. People will find when they sit down or flex forwards that this can help to ease the pain. They might tell their Chiropractic Perth expert about also experiencing numbness, muscle spasms, tingling, muscle weakness and even feeling like their legs have changed temperature.


Treating stenosis

Stenosis does not have a cure, it is a chronic condition that is managed with treatments. It is characteristically a degenerative issue. A person can have stenosis for years and not have it diagnosed and might not even have any real discomfort or even pain from it. Then something innocuous might happen to cause its presence to be felt. In other cases, stenosis symptoms can occur after an accident or injury. Some of the contributing factors that lead to stenosis includes developmental anomalies, ligaments that have thickened, a dislocation or an abscess. When it comes to the management or treatment, there are three main approaches.


  1. Bed rest, using heat applied to the region, with a combination of muscle relaxants and pain relief
  2. Seeing a Chiropractor Perth to receive spinal manipulation and learn techniques for self-care as well as certain exercises you can do to help
  3. In more serious cases there is the option of surgery. This depends on what triggered the stenosis. The problem sometimes with surgery is that while immediately after patients feel a lot better, the symptoms do return after time, though how long varies from one person to another


Chiropractic treatment

Management of spinal stenosis can be handled without medicines, however, you should always talk to your doctor about your treatment options. Another valuable option as mentioned is seeing a Chiropractic Perth for regular sessions. It is a holistic approach and no medications are involved. You can use Chiropractics alongside other management options safely. With the best treatment, while you can't cure stenosis, you may see a marked improvement in pain reduction and sustained improvement in your way of life. A chiropractor focuses on;


  • Recommending exercises to help strengthen and stretch the stomach and lower back. This might include movements that flex the spine such, as riding a bike. Regularly performing these exercises are good not just for your stenosis but for you overall physical and mental well-being
  • Chiropractor Perth uses non-invasive methods to help reduce the pain. Chiropractics also improves your mobility, movement and balance. Chiro is especially beneficial to people with mild to moderate symptoms
  • For those with a more serious case of stenosis, a Chiro can help with flexion distraction where a pulling force is used to widen that narrowed space and lift pressure from the nerves that are being impacted.
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