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Posted By Outdoor Living Direct Pty Ltd on 14/09/2021 in News

Feel better while pregnant by seeing a Chiropractor

When a woman is pregnant, hormonal changes often cause a raft of unwanted physical symptoms, such as carrying additional weight, nausea and sickness, sensitivity to smells, swollen ankles and feet, backache, fatigue, heartburn and more. There are several options when it comes to managing the severity of these symptoms. What a lot of women do not realise is that Chiro benefits pregnancy in so many ways!


Find a Chiropractor you are comfortable with

Chiropractors have usually received training on how to handle a pregnant womans body. If you prefer, there are some Chiropractors that focus on prenatal care. Either way, whether you are seeking a Chiropractor for headaches or for pregnancy symptoms, Chiro has many benefits. Just look for a professional you are comfortable with, talk to them about your main concerns, and try their services. When you are seeing a professionally licensed Chiropractor you can trust they know what they are doing and that you and your baby are in safe hands.


Aligning your pelvis

Women carry a lot of weight around their middle when they are pregnant. The baby itself is mainly responsible for this weight, not to mention the extra fluids. This extra weight causes back pain and changes in a woman's posture. It is likely that her back curve, abdomen and pelvis will all be impacted during pregnancy. Having good pelvic balance is important when pregnant for a few reasons, including ensuring the baby has enough space to develop normally, and also to make the process of giving birth easier. 


Chiro benefits pregnancy because adjustments can make sure the pelvis is aligned, and the baby is in the correct position for birth. Some research shows this not only helps with the safety of delivery, but it can also shorten the delivery time and reduce the pain a woman may experience. If reducing the risk of a c-section is not enough of an incentive, how about less neck and back pain, less joint pain and swelling, better sleep at night and potentially even less nausea!



It is normal to question whether Chiropractic treatment is something you should try when you are pregnant. Your instincts are to protect your baby and yourself and trying something new might feel uncomfortable. You might even tell yourself you can live with the symptoms of pregnancy, even if the discomfort is making your life miserable. But just as you can see a Chiropractor for headaches safely, you can also see one when pregnant and get help with pain relief, sleep issues and more. There is no reason not to try a few sessions to see what you can gain from Chiro. Being as rested and as comfortable as you can is a much better way to start being a mother when the baby comes. Chiro may help your delivery go smoothly, and you may also learn some techniques to ease discomfort and retain mobility.

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